You can’t figure it all out. Allow the Holy Spirit to work in you and give you understanding.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

by BG O’Neal

AA!!! What does that mean to me? Somewhere around 6am this morning I kept hearing in my spirit: 1 Peter 3:8. It just kept rolling over and over in my head as my heart pondered the matter! I awoke to read it and I understood that the voice was speaking directly to me. Not to me only; but, to the whole church, the body of Christ!

I know the context and intro before it pertains to godly mannerisms of husbands and wives! But trek with me if you will and allow the Holy Spirit to walk in every avenue of your heart. Perhaps you will see the importance of this one verse as speaking to the whole of the Kingdom of God! Now for my key verse using the commentary, The Amplified Bible:

“Finally, all of you be like-minded [united in spirit], sympathetic, brotherly, kindhearted [courteous and compassionate toward each other as members of one household], and humble in spirit;” 1 Peter 3:8 AMP.

This verse is good as well:

“and never return evil for evil or insult for insult [avoid scolding, berating, and any kind of abuse], but on the contrary, give a blessing [pray for one another’s well-being, contentment, and protection]; for you have been called for this very purpose, that you might inherit a blessing [from God that brings well-being, happiness, and protection].” 1 Peter 3:9 AMP.

This verse is important as well:

“For, “The one who wants to enjoy life and see good days [good—whether apparent or not], Must keep his tongue free from evil and his lips from speaking guile (treachery, deceit).” 1 Peter‬ ‭3‬:‭10‬ ‭AMP‬‬.

Let us consider this one for sure:

““He must turn away from wickedness and do what is right. He must search for peace [with God, with self, with others] and pursue it eagerly [actively—not merely desiring it].” 1 Peter 3:11 AMP.

Leaving you with this admonition:

““For the eyes of the Lord are [looking favorably] upon the righteous (the upright), And His ears are attentive to their prayer (eager to answer), But the face of the Lord is against those who practice evil.” [Ps 34:12-16]” 1 Peter 3:12 AMP.

Commentary: There is much to consider here as we live in a hard core controlling world and society. It seems that a lot or most of us can believe we have it all figured out! All we really need as individuals is to allow the Holy Spirit to give us a proper “AA.”

Ask yourself this three-part question: How does mercy, compassion, and self control affect my presentation of Christ and the gospel?


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